Hey beautiful,
Sharing some insight into how chiro can help you Mumma!
Our bodies go through so much during our parenting journey and chiro is definently a service worth looking into for yourself and young family :)
Tash Founder of Mummas Wear interviews the lovely Dr Amy Norman from Dynamic Chiropractic located in Hurstville, Sydney.
Amy offers her top tips about all things chiro in relation to pregnancy, labour, post birth and for newborns.
Watch Now our Video Interview from our Mummas Wear YouTube Channel.
Love what you learnt, Book Now with Dr Amy Norman
Hope it helps!
Lots of Love,
1 comment
Interesting video and content. I was having elbow pain which was troubling me too much, I wasn’t able to concentrate on my work, and life due to it, then my friend recommended me to https://www.echirohealth.com/ and believe me now I don’t have any kind of pain. They have a professional team of chiropractors which helps alot.